The metamorphosis of rape victim’s identity
Social psychology, Identity, Sexual violence, RapeAbstract
At present, rape crimes represent notorious statistical data, although in most cases these are not reported. When the victims of this violence are considered, they are usually blamed for the violence suffered, using habits, such as clothes and behavior, as justification for the act. The purpose of this article is to present aspects related to the identity production of rape victims, in order to discuss the effects of the victim's guilt in this process. In order to do so, we use the theoretical-interpretative method, whose research we carry out through the integration between the bibliographic production on the subject and the identity metamorphosis theory, developed in the field of Brazilian Critical Social Psychology. The results of this articulation highlight serious psychological implications for the victim, derived from blaming her for the sexual violence suffered; as a result of the identity policies of our society. We conclude that the identity metamorphosis theory can contribute to the critical analysis of the topic to present the effects of the victims' blaming and the possibilities of confronting rape, avoiding revictimization and making viable the emancipation of the victims.
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