Mental health issues after the L`aquila (Italy) earthquake.




Earthquake, natural disaster, mental health, resilience, terremoto, desastre natural, salud mental, resiliencia,


The authors describe the psychological consequences of the April 2009 earthquake on L’Aquila population through a revision of the published literature. This population suffered from important psychological distress but capacity of resilience has been relevant. Resilient mechanisms intervened in aftermath of the earthquake but the long-lasting alterations of the social networks need to be monitored. After the first physical, medical and emergency response, identification of psychological distress symptoms is useful in guiding public health efforts in the aftermath of disasters.

Los autores describen las consecuencias psicológicas del terremoto de abril de 2009 en la población de L'Aquila a través de una revisión de la literatura publicada.Esta población sufre de trastornos psicológicos importantes, pero la capacidad de resiliencia ha sido relevante. Mecanismos de resiliencia intervinieron, aún cuando deben ser monitoreadas las alteraciones a largo plazo de las redes sociales. Después de la primera respuesta física, médica y de emergencia, la identificación de los síntomas de angustia psicológica es útil para orientar los esfuerzos de salud pública en las consecuencias de los desastres.

Author Biographies

Paola Stratta, Mental Health Centre of L'Aquila.

Centro di Salute Mentale, Dipartimento di Salute Mentale, Azienda Sanitaria. Ph.D. Program, Department of Psychiatry, Neurobiology, Pharmacology and Biotechnology, University of Pisa (Italy).

Marco Valenti, University of L’Aquila.

Department of Medicine and Public Health.

Francesco Masedu, University of L’Aquila.

Department of Medicine and Public Health.

Ilaria Riccardi, University of L’Aquila.

Department of Experimental Medicine.

Alessandro Rossi, University of L’Aquila.

Department of Experimental Medicine.


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How to Cite

Stratta, P., De Cataldo, S., Bonanni, R., Allegro, A., Valenti, M., Masedu, F., Riccardi, I., & Rossi, A. (2016). Mental health issues after the L`aquila (Italy) earthquake. Salud & Sociedad, 3(1), 20-30.




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