Lithic taphonomy of the Quebrada de Quereo site

Addressing the problem of anthropogenic ambiguity in Late Pleistocene assemblages




lithic taphonomy, semiarid north, late Pleistocene, pseudo-artifacts, anthropogenic ambiguity


This paper aims to develop an analytical proposal for dealing with ambiguity in lithic material of late Pleistocene contexts in alluvial locations. We focus our study on the Quebrada de Quereo site (13480-13070 cal BP) located in the coast of Northern Semiarid Chile. To build a comparative analog, different combinations of taphonomic and technological variables are explored in an assemblage of natural origin from a nearby ravine that mimics lithic knapping attributes. This same set of variables was tested on the anthropogenic lithic assemblage of the Quebrada Santa Julia site (12990-12730 cal BP). This procedure allowed us developing an analytic system centered on the characteristics of chipped edges to weigh taphonomic and technological attributes and their natural production in torrential ravine contexts. By applying this scheme to a sample of the lithic material of Quebrada de Quereo, we discuss which pieces are most likely to be considered as lithic artifacts. We conclude that most of the Quebrada de Quereo lithic assemblage may be explained as produced by natural causes, thus those pieces should be considered pseudo-artifacts.

Author Biographies

Javier Ignacio Carranza Elola, Investigador asociado a Fondecyt 1180306

Arqueólogo, Universidad de Chile (2016). Licenciado en Antropología Social, Universidad de Chile (2009). Actualmente asistente de investigación en proyecto Fondecyt 1180306 (Investigadora Responsable Dra. Amalia Nuevo-Delaunay), Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia (CIEP).

César Méndez, Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia.

Investigador residente del Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia. Su investigación se enfoca en las interacciones entre los seres humanos y el medio ambiente en regiones semiáridas de Chile, los Andes subtropicales y Patagonia central. Ha puesto especial interés en el estudio del poblamiento inicial durante la transición Pleistoceno Holoceno".


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How to Cite

Carranza Elola, J. I., & Méndez, C. (2020). Lithic taphonomy of the Quebrada de Quereo site: Addressing the problem of anthropogenic ambiguity in Late Pleistocene assemblages. Estudios Atacameños, (65), 217-245.


