Ethnicity and school choice (or school avoidance) on Easter Island




Rapanui people, ethnic school, school choice


This article analyzes the reasons mothers on Easter Island enroll their children in one of the three elementary schools on the island. Even though the public school offers a curriculum closer to the Rapanui language and culture than the other two subsidized private schools, a significant number of Rapanui families choose the latter two schools, which almost all non-local (continental) families also attend. Ethnicity (Rapanui and continental families) is a priority aspect for data collection and analysis in this study. After interviewing 30 mothers from both ethnic groups, including mothers of mixed families, researchers concluded that ethnicity discourse (we/they) are present in decisions to choose or avoid a school. This discourse intermingles with other social representations of the family and children’s future in a globalized world.

Author Biography

Javier Corvalán Rodríguez, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Antropólogo social (Universidad de Chile) y doctor en sociología (Universidad Católica de Lovaina). Se desempeña como académico a tiempo completo en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Sus líneas de investigación refieren a la sociología y política educativa y a la etnicidad y la diversidad cultural en el sistema escolar chileno.


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How to Cite

Corvalán Rodríguez, J. (2022). Ethnicity and school choice (or school avoidance) on Easter Island. Estudios Atacameños, 68, e4380.




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