The scatological dimension of the penitence sacrament.


  • Álvaro Larraín Fierro Universidad Alberto Hurtado.



Penitence, Reconciliation, Scatological, Paschal mystery


Christian hope carries us to wait for the fnal triumph of Christ over the sin and the death. It is established in the absolution of the sins that he has reached by the mystery of the death and resurrection. That labor of reconciliation is present today in the Christ’s Church. Christ has trusted the mystery of forgiving the sins will fnish at the end of the age with the institution of the complete defnitive communion between the man with God and the man among them. The penitence sacrament and reconciliation, its redeemer effcacy come out at Paschal mystery constitute a scatological sign because it anticipates sacramentally the God’s judgment at the end of the earthly life in the way of a gracefulness judgment that surpass the condemnation and anticipate in real way, even if incomplete and not defnitive, the fnal and complete triumph over the sin and the total conversion of the penitent sinner and their complete reconciliation with God.


FLÓREZ G. (1993) Penitencia y Unción de enfermos. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, pp. 210-213
IGLESIA CATÓLICA (1975) Ritual romano de la Penitencia. Santiago: Paulinas.
LEON-DUFOUR X. (1993) Vocabulario de Teología Bíblica, Barcelona: Herder, p. 672.
RAMOS-REGIDOR J. (1975) El sacramento de la Penitencia. Re?exión teológica a la luz de la Biblia, la Historia y la Pastoral. Salamanca: Sígueme, p. 315.



How to Cite

Larraín Fierro, Álvaro. (2009). The scatological dimension of the penitence sacrament. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 1(2), 156-170.


