Vatican Council II.

A reading of corporeality from the Constitution Gaudium et Spes.




Vatican II, Man, Body, World, Gaudium et Spes


The following re?ection is part of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of vatican II on the UCN, Antofagasta CONFERRE convened. To do this we have used the Constitution Gaudium et Spes, fixing our interest in unitary dimension of man from his corporeal expression.

Author Biography

Eva Pamela Reyes Gacitua, Universidad Católica del Norte.

Departamento de Teología (Antofagasta).


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How to Cite

Reyes Gacitua, E. P. (2012). Vatican Council II.: A reading of corporeality from the Constitution Gaudium et Spes. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 4(2), 182-193.