Analytical tension in the encounter between radical constructivism and Edith Stein’s thought.


  • Rodolfo Núñez Hernández Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



Constructivism, Phenomenology, Reality, Knowledge, Incommensurability


The questions of truth, for the power of reaching it, and how to get a method reliable enough to assure that the solutions proposed in this search are right are at the basis of both options for approaching this challenge. So, is it possible to establish dialogues between models of knowledge production so far from one another as transcendental phenomenological methodology and radical constructivism are? The dialogue should initially be a condition of any form of comprehensive approach sharing subjects of study, that is, given a common interest, being able to compare in order to know better will be a valid effort because it provides analytical elements that will allow observing the complete arc of solutions that, facing the complexity of reality, the human intellect can produce. 


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How to Cite

Núñez Hernández, R. (2016). Analytical tension in the encounter between radical constructivism and Edith Stein’s thought. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 8(1), 66-84.


