The increasing parodization of the classical police format in the counter-illustrated detective novels of the protestant swiss writer Friedrich Dürrenmatt.


  • Clemens Franken Kurzen Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



Police Novel, Parody, Post-modern Police Style, Dürrenmatt


This paper begins with the hypothesis that the protestant Swiss writer Friedrich Dürrenmatt increasingly parodizes the classical police gender. Above all, the figure of the detective, a symbol of the illustrated faith and then positivistic in the inevitable victory of reason, suffers an increasing deconstruction since his methods, mainly based on human intelligence, fails under the dominion of randomness, which breaks into the life of human beings similarly as divine grace.


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How to Cite

Franken Kurzen, C. (2016). The increasing parodization of the classical police format in the counter-illustrated detective novels of the protestant swiss writer Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 8(1), 100-125.


