Personna and community in Edith Stein.


  • Luis De la Maza Samhaber Universidad Católica del Norte.



Person, Community, Society, State, Law, Morality


Edith Stein discusses the ethical structures of the community and the State on the basis of its analogy with the ontological structure of a person. The paper presents the elements that essentially determine the concept of person as a psychophysical subject with an individual peculiarity that makes it unique as compared to other subjects. Next, the paper shows how Stein understands the relationship between individual experiences and community experiences; the latter make up various forms of social association, which she exposed in the light of concepts such as mass, community, and society. Finally, some aspects of our author’s research on the State that concretize and complement previous developments are examined. 


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How to Cite

De la Maza Samhaber, L. (2016). Personna and community in Edith Stein. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 8(1), 28-48.


