Tear the fabric of this sweet encounter!.


  • María de la Paz Díaz Lazcano Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.




Web, Mystical, Symbol, Man, God


This paper intends to unravel St. John's anthropology through the analysis of the term "Fabric" appearing in Song 1 in St. John of the Cross's work "living Flame of Love", It gradually involves us in the anthropological tension proper 01 the mystic when approaching the mystery of man in his relationship with God. This is the point in analyzing the term Fabric and its correspondence to tear the fabric. This reveals the mixture characteristic of a Carmelite who, in his symbolic proposal, discovers the ultimate meaning of what is breaking and binding in man's relationship with God.


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How to Cite

Díaz Lazcano, M. de la P. (2012). Tear the fabric of this sweet encounter!. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 4(1), 76-87. https://doi.org/10.22199/S07198175.2012.0001.00006