Divinity representations in Catholic teenagers from Concepción.


  • Alvaro Figueroa Candia Colegio Teresiano. Los Ángeles.




Religiosity, Belief in God, Adolescents, Education, Society


This paper deals with elements characterizing the faith of adolescents in the city of Concepcion in order to accept the mandate to "listen to the signs of the times" that lead to value the social and personal experiences of God in the new generations. lt also describes the representations of divinity, the construction of the experience of faith and the forms of relations youth establishes with God.

Author Biography

Alvaro Figueroa Candia, Colegio Teresiano. Los Ángeles.

Mg. Ciencias de la Educación.


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How to Cite

Figueroa Candia, A. (2012). Divinity representations in Catholic teenagers from Concepción. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 4(1), 108-127. https://doi.org/10.22199/S07198175.2012.0001.00008