La Mercy in the Bible: an illuminating horizon of christian practice.


  • Eduardo Pérez-Cotapos Larraín Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



Mercy, Compassion, Alliance, God, Jesus


This paper faithfully reproduces the main talk of Antofagasta V Theological Week. The author starts briefly analyzing the difficulties for man today to understand the term “mercy”. Then, he focuses on the analysis of this issue in the Bible, by studying the main terms used in it. He presents the Old Testament image of a faithful God, full of tenderness and compassion, who keeps his fidelity despite human sins. This is the God of Alliance. In the NT, mercy has a strong Christological nuance: Jesus is the best manifestation of the merciful face of God, who moves in front of misled crowds and those suffering. The Bible presents mercy mainly as God’s action, making possible a merciful response from human beings. 

Author Biography

Eduardo Pérez-Cotapos Larraín, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Facultad Teología.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Cotapos Larraín, E. (2017). La Mercy in the Bible: an illuminating horizon of christian practice. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 9(1), 76-100.