Behind the Nerudian verb relations between language and the sacres in the hands of day.


  • Luis Aránguiz Kahn Universidad de Chile.



Verb, Language, Sacred, Resignification, Pablo Neruda


This paper explores the dimensions of the “verb” notion in the poetry book The Hands of Day, part of the latest production of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. After the contextualization of this book in the framework of the general poetic production of the author, this notion is analyzed in direct relation with western Judeo-Christian tradition in search of the resignification of the concept.

Author Biography

Luis Aránguiz Kahn, Universidad de Chile.

Centro de Estudios Judaicos.


Aranguiz, Luis. “El templo inútil, o la divinidad desesperante del joven Neruda”. 21 de octubre 2013. Web. 12 abril 2017

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How to Cite

Aránguiz Kahn, L. (2017). Behind the Nerudian verb relations between language and the sacres in the hands of day. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 9(2), 240-260.