Exposition and critique to the analysis of the act of primary intellection of Zubiri.


  • Claudio Aquiles Pastén Palma Universidad Católica del Norte.




Act, Analysis, Primordial Intellection, Congenerity, Reality


This article exposes and criticizes the conception of the primordial intellection act of Zubiri and the methodology used to address such act. Its aim is to show that despite of all the efforts of Zubiri to keep an analysis of the act of intellection, inevitably slives toward a theory of intellection, which obscures the intellection essence and the mutual congenericity that supposedly keeps the intellection whit the reality.

Author Biography

Claudio Aquiles Pastén Palma, Universidad Católica del Norte.

Departamento de Teología.


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How to Cite

Pastén Palma, C. A. (2017). Exposition and critique to the analysis of the act of primary intellection of Zubiri. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 9(2), 312-357. https://doi.org/10.22199/S07198175.2017.0002.00007