Saint Agustin. His political profile.


  • José Juan García University of Cuyo.



Salus Animarum, Political Action, Death Penalty, Torture, Slavery


This paper intends to describe in the texts and gestures of Bishop Hippo, his deep political-social concern. At the same time, it tries to show how this request really exists within the framework of his pastoral work. Faithful to the gospel. Agustin is concerned with interceding among officials for the right of asylum, death penalty in certain cases, torture abolition, by working together with African bishops for collegiality and from there for genuine human rights. Everything leads to conclude that the great theologian was a pastor at heart and put his tools to work in the just causes of the political-social action of Roman Africa times.

Author Biography

José Juan García, University of Cuyo.

Vice Chancellor.


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How to Cite

García, J. J. (2018). Saint Agustin. His political profile. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 10(1), 128-153.


