Intra-religious Dialogue in Raimon Panikkar

silence in christian-hindu dialogue


  • Mario Ignacio Aguilar University of St. Andrews.



Religious studies, Interfaith dialogue, Comparative religion, Hinduism, Vedas, Catholicism, Transmission and duality


The ongoing publication of the Opera Omnia by Raimon Panikkar has open new avenues as to appreciate the seminal contribution he made to a Christian-Hindu-Buddhist dialogue. Within such contribution he emphasised the role of silence within what he called ‘intra-religious dialogue’, a dialogue that he experienced while living in Varanasi, India for ten years. As a Catholic theologian of Catalan and Indian origins he searched for a process of experiencing Hindu life and Hindu texts while translating them in order to reach a fuller inter-religious dialogue that became in silence an intra-religious dialogue. This paper explores such contribution by outlining some aspects of Panikkar’s writings in his Opera Omnia vol. 4, part 1: The Vedic Experience – Mantramanjari.

Author Biography

Mario Ignacio Aguilar, University of St. Andrews.

Professor,  School of Divinity, Centre for Global Constitutionalism.


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How to Cite

Aguilar, M. I. (2019). Intra-religious Dialogue in Raimon Panikkar: silence in christian-hindu dialogue. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 11, e3245.


