The sign of the sea:

a biblical-theological interpretation Ex 14




Red Sea, Miracle, Historical-critical method, Creation


The objective is aims to carry out a biblical-theological interpretation of the miracle of the sea, for which Exodus 14 is advocated from a critical historical perspective and a theological reading is made that provides for an understanding of the miracle of the sea beyond a magical interventionism from God. To carry out this research, a qualitative-documentary methodology is used, since a bibliographic review was made, to hermeneutically justify the biblical-theological approach to the perícopa in question. The main findings lead to the conclusion that Exodus 14 has several editorial layers, which clarifies the apparent contradictions; likewise, it is agreed that the miracle is not a divine interventionism that breaks the laws of nature, but is the discovery, by the affirmative force of faith, of God's action in the world.

Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Vargas González, Universidad de Medellín.

Docente.  Maestría en Administración, U.  Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín.


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How to Cite

Vargas González, C. A. (2020). The sign of the sea:: a biblical-theological interpretation Ex 14. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 12, e4296.




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