Between philosophy and poetry:

Heidegger and Hölderlin


  • María Teresa Stuven Vattier Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



Poetry, Being, Language, Inhabiting, God, Human measure, Voice of the people


The core of Martin Heidegger's thought is constituted by the problem of being. The philosopher considers this issue central, since previous philosophy had erroneously posed the question about being and, therefore, it had not been able to be resolved correctly. His main work, Being and Time (1927), poses this problem in the midst of a Modernity removed from the ontological question. In this work, Heidegger not only addresses the question of Being, but also reflects and analyzes what happened in contemporary man with the forgetfulness of Being. Even though he did not want to make an anthropology, Being and Time is a profound reflection on the man of the twentieth century, overwhelmed by technique and calculating thinking. The philosopher proposes a new way of inhabiting the world, within which the Being has a place. This mode of existence is property or authenticity in the face of impropriety or inauthenticity, ways of being of everyday Dasein.

Since the 30s, Heidegger has a turn in his thinking (Kehre) and reflects on poetry and the Being. This relationship is not only the heritage of philosophers, it is also of poets. There are two main works by Heidegger about poetry: Hölderlin and the essence of poetry, a 1936 writing, and Poetically inhabits man, a 1951 lecture. In this work we will refer to those texts, in which, we think, The proposal of Being and time is expanded with respect to the link between Dasein and Being, now from poetic living versus impoetic living.


Heidegger, M. (1944). Holderlin y la Esencia de la Poesía. Revista Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 11(38), 13-25.

Heidegger, M. (1960). ''... Poeticamente habita el hombre...''. Revista de Filosofía, 7(1-2), pp. 77-91.

Heidegger, M. (1998) Ser y tiempo (J. E. Rivera, Trad.). Santiago: Universitaria.

Heidegger, M. (1983). Serenidad.. Santigo: Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía.

Rivera, J. E: (2006). Heráclito el esplendente. Santiago: Brickle.



How to Cite

Stuven Vattier, M. T. (2020). Between philosophy and poetry:: Heidegger and Hölderlin. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 12, e4575.


