Purpose and achievement of theological education in a plural world

A thoughtful look at the case study





Theological formation, University, Pedagogical mediation, Pluralism


Theological training has lost prestige in the university world in the face of the scientific and individualistic rationality that has prevailed in modernity. Being able to rethink its purpose and its contribution in said context allows to locate the formation processes and reconfigure the means of approaching theological knowledge to educational contexts. Being able to identify the achievement according to the purposes imposed by the context, allows one to whether the mediation carried out in a didactic way is adequate for those purposes. Based on the fragmentation of a case study, the aim is to present the reflection that emerges from the data about the practices of theology teaching in a Catholic-inspired university, its achievements and, its challenges confronted with the perceptions of the students of the to know. The proposal of this article aims to reflect from the results obtained about the relationship that is established between the theological content, knowing and knowing, but particularly between knowing and knowing, as a process of meaning and meaning of life.

Author Biography

Leonardo Rojas Cadena, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali.

Docente. Depto. de Humanidades. Maestría en Desarrollo Humano, U. de San Buenaventura, Cali


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How to Cite

Rojas Cadena, L. (2020). Purpose and achievement of theological education in a plural world: A thoughtful look at the case study. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 12, e4636. https://doi.org/10.22199/issn.0719-8175-2020-0010


