Contemplate emptiness




mystical, God, emptiness, nihilism, reason


The intuition of the absolute leads to the recognition that we are not in control of the circumstances around us. While one of the resulting options is to acknowledge that we don't know enough, it is not enough to stay in the latency of skepticism. In this text the term of emptiness is explored, which entails the consideration of nothingness and the option of seeing it as a foundation. In such a way, contemplating emptiness focuses on the implications of nothingness in human life, rubbing off on the notion of divine pathos or the conception of a deity interested in man. The article alludes to different considerations to understand nothingness as the foundation of the presence of being in the world; from this follows the question about God and his relationship with nothingness. Next, the dialectic of man facing the consciousness of nothing is addressed, as well as some religious positions in the face of emptiness, either to deny, affirm or precede his experience. Some characteristics of the path to the consciousness of the absolute are nuanced and the edges of the mystical frontier alluded to by Eckhart, Nāgārjuna, Heschel, Wilber, Cioran and Nishitani are delimited.


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How to Cite

Sevilla Godínez, H. (2022). Contemplate emptiness. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 14, e4926.


