"The faceless god behind the gods"

Presence and representation of the mystical experience in three stories by Jorge Luis Borges





mystical rapture, representation, mystic language, mystical experienc


It is proposed to elucidate the forms of representation that the mystical experience has in three stories by Jorge Luis Borges. For this and considering that the representation of the mystical presents an intrinsic problem to the experience, I will analyze the language and the symbolism of the stories. My research question is: How is the mystical experience represented in Borges's work, both in its obtaining (mystical rapture) and in its possible consequences for those who live it? The hypothesis that will guide me to answer it will be that in these aspects of the stories the mystical experience is configured with differences and nuances between them, which exposes a broad and deep vision of the phenomenon.

Author Biography

Felipe González Mac-Conell, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Estudiante de Licenciatura en Letras Hispánicas.


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How to Cite

González Mac-Conell, F. (2022). "The faceless god behind the gods": Presence and representation of the mystical experience in three stories by Jorge Luis Borges. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 14, e5053. https://doi.org/10.22199/issn.0719-8175-5053



Primae Inquisitiones