Drives for a theology of work for peace




justice, ecology, world order, ubuntu, Paul VI


The biblical concept shalom is explored as a state of well-being, reconciliation, justice and love, peoples' hope, and God's gift and, then, the promise offered and realized in Jesus as the prince of peace, even in the midst of conflicts, is addressed. Next, the Church mission as a promoter of peace based on Paul VI's speech at the United Nations in 1965 is explored. Other teaching documents and prayer meetings in Assisi show that work for peace is an essential, not subordinate, part of the Church mission. Finally, work for peace is introduced as a path toward a full life in the four dimensions of human life: the smallest social unity (ubuntu), social relations, natural and cosmic integration, and the relation with the ultimate Mystery.

Author Biography

Roman A. Siebenrock, Universität Innsbruck

Profesor en retiro de Dogmática y Teología Fundamental.


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How to Cite

Siebenrock, R. A. (2023). Drives for a theology of work for peace. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 15, e5871.


