La Theology: Normative science of religion.

An approach to the epistemological statute of theology according to Paul Tillich.


  • Marcela Lobo Bustamante Université Catholique de Louvai.



Paul Tillich, Science of Religion, Normative, Theology of Culture, Epistemological Statute


This paper intends to show the understanding of the epistemological statute of theology according to Paul Tillich, based on a programmatic conference given in 1919. In the conference On the idea of a theology of culture, Tillich enunciated the bases with which he would build his understanding of theology as a normative science of religion.

Author Biography

Marcela Lobo Bustamante, Université Catholique de Louvai.

Faculté de Théologie.


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How to Cite

Lobo Bustamante, M. (2013). La Theology: Normative science of religion.: An approach to the epistemological statute of theology according to Paul Tillich. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 5(1), 82-99.