La Catastrophe as an instance of interpellation to conversion. A look from the parable of the Barren fig tree: luke 13: 1-9.


  • Javier Enrique Cortés Cortés Universidad Católica del Norte.



Luke's Gospel, Catastrophe, Conversion, Rumour, Fig Tree Parable


This article analyzes from an exegetic-narrative perspective, the text on Lk 13, 1-9, where we can find Luke's proper material. Narration's first versicle, refeers to some catastrophic events, described with strong historical interest. Where does the third gospel's author obtains this data? Is it possible to determine those facts' historicity? The narration refeers to an execution done to some galilean peregrines in Jerusalem, by Pilates, and to the death of some people from Jerusalem, because of the toppling of Shiloh's tower. Those facts presented using the literary trope of rumour, allow Jesus to make a strong questioning to any idea that links the tragic death with some blame on the affected. On contrary, Jesus calls for conversion, and to see the facts as a questioning and invitation to deep change, expressed on the parable image of giving fruits. So, the narration is intrisecally articulated with the parable of the barren fig, which Luke tells next.

Author Biography

Javier Enrique Cortés Cortés, Universidad Católica del Norte.

Departamento de Teología (Coquimbo).


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How to Cite

Cortés Cortés, J. E. (2013). La Catastrophe as an instance of interpellation to conversion. A look from the parable of the Barren fig tree: luke 13: 1-9. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 5(2), 110-155.