Enrique Alvear, Mystic and spiritual teacher.


  • Fernando Tapia Arzobispado de Santiago de Chile.




Christ, Incarnation, Poor, History, Liberation


The goal of this article is to present the main characteristics of Bishop Alvear´s spiritual teaching, which was done from his ministry among the poor and from the perspective of their integral liberation. The main source of this research is Bishop´s Alvear manuscript to preach retreats to priests, religious men and women, secular institutes and lay people, during a period of eigth years: from february 1974 to february 1982. The manuscript re?ects the deep spitual life of Mgr. Alvear, in which the contemplation of Christ occupies the central place, particularly his mistery of Incarnation among the poor. This explains the main characteristics of his spirituality lived and taught: historicity, ministeriality, liberation of all kinds of slavery, always in a Church communion context.  

Author Biography

Fernando Tapia, Arzobispado de Santiago de Chile.

Director del Departamento de Espiritualidad.


ALVEAR, E. (1979). Puebla en nuestra Historia de Salvación. Santiago: [s.n.]

ALVEAR, E. (1982). [Cuaderno de retiros espirituales]. La Serena: [s.n.]

ALVEAR, E. (1983). Reflexiones. Santiago de Chile : Interamericana, p. 61



How to Cite

Tapia, F. (2014). Enrique Alvear, Mystic and spiritual teacher. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 6(2), 86-118. https://doi.org/10.22199/S07198175.2014.0002.00005