Theological perspectives on the Enciclycal Laudato Si’ Contribution to the IV Theological Week at the UCN.


  • Fernando Verdugo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



Ecology, Integral Ecology, Theology of Creation, Christian Anthropology, Social Teaching of the Church


This article encloses two theological lectures o?ered by the author, in the context of an interdisciplinary academic seminar that took place at the Catholic University of the North, Chile. The papers focus on the recent Encyclical Leter Laudato si’ of Pope Francis on Care for our common home,  emphasizing the vision on Nature and the responsibility of Humanity toward it, which springs up from a Christian perspective. As it corresponds to a document that is inserted in the Social Teaching of the Church, there is a Theology in the Encyclical that the author tries to identify in some of its fundamental features. In addition, he emphasizes both the interdisciplinary character of the Encyclical as well as the remarkable articulation between the ecological and the social, where he recognizes the ecclesial and theological Latin-American background of Pope Francis.  

Author Biography

Fernando Verdugo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Facultad de Teología.


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How to Cite

Verdugo, F. (2015). Theological perspectives on the Enciclycal Laudato Si’ Contribution to the IV Theological Week at the UCN. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 7(2), 136-157.


