The theology-science dialog in the Latin-American theology of creation (1999-2009). Balance and Perspectives.


  • Juan Alejandro Navarrete Cano Universidad Católica del Norte.



Ecotheology, Theology of Liberation, Leonado Boff, Ivone Gebara


This paper addresses two main questions: first, what is the emphasis in the dialog between theology and science in the Latin American theology of creation in 1999-2009? The second question is, what is the physonomy of a Latin American theology of creation in a dialog with science? The major areas we would try to underline in this dialogue have been, first, accepting the challenges that science puts to liberation theology and, second, the appearance of eco-theological thinking. The main task for Latin American creation theology is rethinking a theology of the cosmos which would articulate scientific progress, the eco-theological challenges, and the challenges arising from the continuous demand of justice in our continent.

Author Biography

Juan Alejandro Navarrete Cano, Universidad Católica del Norte.

Departamento de Teología (Coquimbo).


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How to Cite

Navarrete Cano, J. A. (2013). The theology-science dialog in the Latin-American theology of creation (1999-2009). Balance and Perspectives. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 5(1), 48-67.