Notes for a theology under construction.


  • Alberto Toutin Cataldo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



Antropology, Aparecida, Globalization, Servant Church, Church, World, Pastoral sense


All theological discourse is temporary because we are humans and due to the reality of God as God. Therefore, Aparecida, after Vatican II, speaks of disciples and dialogue: the Church is rethought as a servant, and agrees to be in need of help. There is also a religious diversity in our world today, resulting from globalization. The Church must learn to coexist and at the same time, to present an image of God that meets current standards. This also means rethinking the human being and rethink Christ, man like us. We have to rethink all our actions (social, sexual, etc.). We can not forget that theology not only begins on faith, but also in the life of concrete believers. Therefore, theology generates culture and a culture with eschatological direction: following the concrete Jesus and the saints. 

Author Biography

Alberto Toutin Cataldo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



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How to Cite

Toutin Cataldo, A. (2011). Notes for a theology under construction. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 3(1), 36-51.