The Religous is still alive, but what about religion?

The Transformations of the religious phenomenon today.


  • Ignacio Sepúlveda del Río Universidad Católica del Norte.



Religions, Crisis, Individualism, Individualization, Dogmatism and desdogmatization


Religions are going through a deep crisis today. It is not only that they have a “bad press”, but the religious institutions are suffering –due to their own mistakes and their negligence- the abandon and suspicion of their followers. Religious institutions are going down, but not the religious. New ways to live the religious are being born in our time. On one hand, the religious has being configured as a personal option. It no longer depends on what the group or the society believes in. On the other hand, what people believe in is everyday more flexible; people can integrate, in some kind of syncretism, different traditions, even when sometimes they can be contradictories. Religious gets individualized in our time, but it also goes out into the public space to keep communicating. We’ll have to wait to see what developments can bring.


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How to Cite

Sepúlveda del Río, I. (2011). The Religous is still alive, but what about religion? The Transformations of the religious phenomenon today. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 3(1), 52-72.