Towars wholeness in love.


  • Eliezer Gomes de Amaral Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



Edith Stein, Human being, Inner self, Recollection


This research aims to deepen into the rich anthropological heritage which offers us St. Edith Stein. Its concern for offering a coherent discourse, built on solid foundations, does not make it lose sight of the contact and harmony with the fundamental issues of human existence. That is the reason why, in the following pages, you will see the development of important topics that are often assumed to be obsolete or second category. We have choose, with special attention, topics like the interior richness of the human being and the deployment that emerges from it, also a dynamic view to the human being from different dimensions: internal unity, the search for personal fulfllment, the importance of knowing oneself, responsibility for proper use of freedom, and the radiated power of love, among others. The contact with the inner self is described here as recollection. This appropriated expression helps us to understand the great power that irradiation has. The opposite of a scatters life –where people often spend energy on meaningless actions- is an integrated life, where the powers of the soul are focused on the pursuit and attainment of what fulfll us in an authentic way. However, far from understanding this integration as a prison for oneself, it is rather a way to put everything in place sort, because the spirit naturally tends to go out of itself, to communicate with the environment.


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How to Cite

Gomes de Amaral, E. (2010). Towars wholeness in love. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 2(2), 204-225.