Mystic contemplation:

An acces to the wholeness of being from the not-being. Commentary on the Song of Songs of William of Saint Thierry


  • María Francisca Ovalle Orden de Santa Úrsula.



W. de Saint-Thierry, Contemplation, Relationship with God, Human relationship


Mystic Contemplation is the highest expression of desire and passion of the love that God feels for man and the possibility for him to experience it. The unilateral initiative of Revelation comes from the whole gratuity and overabundance of One and Triune God’s love. God enjoys the fullness of love relationship itself that over?ows into every human being to be shared with them.

What are the ways and dispositions that the mystical contemplation reveals us? We find that the first and most fundamental way is to recognize oneself as absolutely in need of His grace and vessel of His love. The second way is the perpetuation of gratuity, which expresses especially in the way of receiving His grace: not as merit, but as a gift. This requires to be absolutely detached from the desire of possession and hoarding, which would destroy the elegance, fnesse and beauty of the donation, to give way to austere and confdent joy of this free belonging, which strengthens the man’ s identity as a being gifted and open to always receive more and more from God.
This is what we will call the “Roar to get from the not-being to the plentiful being” and that we are going to try to walk hand in hand with a pilgrim of love: William of Saint Thierry.
We strongly believe that the fulflling relationship that this encounter produces between God and man is the paradigm of all human relationships, and from it we can begin to renew and enrich our relationships with our brothers and the whole Creation. Thus, we can see how far or near we are from the way God is with us; the way He sustains us and makes us humanly consisting in his divinity.


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How to Cite

Ovalle, M. F. (2010). Mystic contemplation:: An acces to the wholeness of being from the not-being. Commentary on the Song of Songs of William of Saint Thierry. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 2(2), 226-255.