Family and participation in the school.

Some basic suppositions.


  • María Adriana González Ford Universidad Católica del Norte.



Educaction, Family, School children, Participation


The explanations and formulas of yesterday are not useful for responding to the questions and situations of today’s society. In the specifc area of education, the effort to include parents and guardians in the educational process is a goal of authorities and educational centers. In our culture, the educational level of mother and father marks the difference in how they concern themselves and follow through with the evolutionary stages of cognitive development. The mother’s background is especially pertinent, because in our society, she is generally the one concerned with the education of the children. Since 1990, is percebed governmental and familial interest has been observed. Both want to participate and be involved in educational centers. There are documents which support parental participation and indicate the benefts possible. These allow them to apply for projects that can help them in their involvement.

Author Biography

María Adriana González Ford, Universidad Católica del Norte.

Departamento de Teología (Antofagasta).


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How to Cite

González Ford, M. A. (2010). Family and participation in the school.: Some basic suppositions. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 2(2), 344-359.