Pluralistic culture, Human Rights and Christian contribution.


  • Misael Heriberto Camus Ibacache Universidad Católica del Norte.



Culture, Human Rights, Plurality, Globalism, Christian Praxis


The world is changing. The current pluralistic culture states profound challenges with their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, needs a new legal covenant. The Declaration of Human Rights guides the future.

The Church is presented as a central reference of unique value in all felds of human life. There were and are misunderstandings between the Church and society. However, the Church through the Magisterium, has offered his re?ection and help to promote justice, peace, development and solidarity. The dialogue is constant.

Today, besides being plural, our world is global. Gradually, Christians learn to change (revolutionize) their practice at level of catechesis, the sacramental life and community life.

Author Biography

Misael Heriberto Camus Ibacache, Universidad Católica del Norte.

Rector (2001-2013), Doctor en Historia de la Iglesia.


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How to Cite

Camus Ibacache, M. H. (2011). Pluralistic culture, Human Rights and Christian contribution. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 3(2), 176-197.