Gratitude, gratuity and social justice.


  • Xavier Ayora Pinos Universidad Católica del Norte.



Gratitude, Intelligent Gratuity, Solidarity, Subsidiarity


This article shows a re?ection of the situation of youth protests of different kinds in different countries for greater levels of social justice. The Benedict’s XVI thesis, about the “intelligent gratuity”, next to solidarity and subsidiarity principles, remember us the basic aspects in the social doctrine of the church which come preceded of the gratuity experience or to have received certain talent of someone, to have thankful memory. Like in all the human acts, there are not anything innate, all has its process and in this lapse of time we need as a categorical commanding the education of the proactive empathy for the human which motivates the social justice, developing a greatest brotherhood of the population and the improvement of the democracy.

Author Biography

Xavier Ayora Pinos, Universidad Católica del Norte.

Departamento de Teología.


BENEDICTO XVI. (2008). Discurso al Pontifcia Academia de la Ciencias Sociales. [s.n.: s.l.]

BENEDICTO XVI. (s.d.). Caritas in Veritate. [s.n.: s.l.].

BENTUÉ, A. (1995). La gratüitat clau de l´ética bíblica. Barcelona: Cruilla.

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KÜNG, H. (1977). Una ética mundial para la economía y la política. Valladolid: Trotta.



How to Cite

Ayora Pinos, X. (2011). Gratitude, gratuity and social justice. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 3(2), 198-212.