The faith in creation as key to understanding Christian salvation unit, according to Karl Rahner


  • Francisco Ramón Correa Schnake Universidad Católica del Norte.



Creator, Creature, Unity, Diversity, Spirit, Matter


This article discusses one aspect of Karl Rahner’s theological approach that realizes the importance of faith in God the creator, because it establishes a correspondence between God and man determined by the creatural condition. A singularity that requires an understanding of salvation that embraces the whole man and all men, without exclusions of any kind.

Based on this approach, emphasizes experiential and inclusive sense of Rahner’s creation theology proposes that an understanding of unity “in” and “from” the real diversity. A reality that is expressed in man through the binomial spirit and matter, and involves an assessment of all the dimensions those constitute the human and the mundane in order to Christian salvation.

Author Biography

Francisco Ramón Correa Schnake, Universidad Católica del Norte.

Departamento de Teología (Coquimbo).


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How to Cite

Correa Schnake, F. R. (2011). The faith in creation as key to understanding Christian salvation unit, according to Karl Rahner. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 3(2), 214-231.