Two loves, two cities: irradiations of a brilliant idea.


  • Óscar Velásquez Universidad de Chile.



Saint Augustine, City of God, Love, Caritas


The contrast between the previous contributions of the Fathers to the subject of the two cities would show that St. Augustine’s conceptual design is of such strength and breadth that it surpasses any prior treatment. The central idea of love (despite its obvious importance) has not been sufciently recognized, neither examined, as its main axis. It is love-agap? (caritas), as compared to love-cupiditas; not only from the viewpoint of the origin of the two cities, but also its various developments, purposes, and goals. To demonstrate it, the connections between City of God and Confessions are analyzed, particularly regarding the pair love-pondus, whose importance is specially examined. The analysis concludes that the “City of God” is a society of love.

Author Biography

Óscar Velásquez, Universidad de Chile.

Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.


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How to Cite

Velásquez, Óscar. (2016). Two loves, two cities: irradiations of a brilliant idea. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 8(2), 144-164.


