Boethius: intellectible knowledge and divine foundation. Notes on love to good as a metaphysical structure of Beings.


  • Gerald Cresta Universidad Católica Argentina.



Intellectible, Intelligible, Beatitude, Goodness, Transcendental Concepts


Boethius distinguishes knowledge directed to the objects of reason (intelligible) from knowledge referring to the objects of pure thought (intellectible). This difference entails a type of knowledge understood as love to God as, on the one hand, every entity seeks the good with an ontological purpose; on the other hand, Boethius identifes the unity of God with the transcendental truth and good. The innate knowledge of God, which is the intellectible par excellence, coincides with the natural tendency oriented to the origin in which it is possible to fnd perfect happiness and beatitude. 

This paper analyzes Boethius’ proposal of intellectible concepts as a contribution to a broader understanding of the transcendental concepts of being, on the basis of a participation ontology enriching the formal-categorial ontology used as the fundamentals of sciences.


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How to Cite

Cresta, G. (2016). Boethius: intellectible knowledge and divine foundation. Notes on love to good as a metaphysical structure of Beings. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 8(2), 60-82.


