Missionary analogies in the colonial Congo and Brazil at the end of the XVIIth century:

a rhetorical-literary study of the accounts written by the capuchins Martin de Nantes and Girolamo Merolla da Sorrento





Mission, Capuchins, Africa, South America, Rhetoric


A comparative study between two missionary accounts which were written by two Capuchin priests: the French Martin de Nantes, author of (Relation Succincte et Sincère [...], 1707), and the Italian, Girolamo Sorrento (Breve e Succinta Relatione [...], 1692). This essay intends to highlight, through a rhetorical-literary study, the very similar modus operandi present in both texts, to achieve this objective, an imagological analysis of the descriptions about the evangelized people and the places of Brazil and Congo carried out by French and the Italian priests will be taken as starting point. Additionally, I will mention the main lines of every missionary ministry and I will pore over how their mission’s responsibilities were incorporated within their texts. Likewise, I will analyze the scriptural elements concomitant to the preacher’s zeal when performing their religious duties.


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How to Cite

Sarzi Amade, J. (2019). Missionary analogies in the colonial Congo and Brazil at the end of the XVIIth century:: a rhetorical-literary study of the accounts written by the capuchins Martin de Nantes and Girolamo Merolla da Sorrento. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 11, e3713. https://doi.org/10.22199/issn.0719-8175-2019-0005


