“To be a child´s hand affirmed in You”

the human person fragility in the religious poetry of Esteban Gumucio SSCC.


  • María Ignacia Manterola Dominguez Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.




human fragility, otherness, transcendence, religious poetry, Chilean


Three poems by Esteban Gumucio SSCC are analyzed: “Quiero ser tu amigo Jesucristo”, “Canto de María al anuncio del Ángel” and “No sé cómo orar”. The poems concern the question about the way in which the human person is defined and its projection of meaning from personal contact with God, and they reveal a poetics that conceives the individual as a fragile being that is protected in divine otherness. The lyrical speaker experiences contact with a loving God, whereby he takes a leap of uncertainty due to his fragile understanding of the transcendent. This is evidenced both in the way of enunciating and in the semantic content. From there, the human person finds an existential meaning by joining the will of the God who sustains him, which means the risk of entrusting his fragility to a transcendent other.


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How to Cite

Manterola Dominguez, M. I. (2021). “To be a child´s hand affirmed in You”: the human person fragility in the religious poetry of Esteban Gumucio SSCC . Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 13, e5067. https://doi.org/10.22199/issn.0719-8175-2021-5067



Primae Inquisitiones