Contemplation, Mystics, and Carmelite Spirit in the poetry of Rosa Cruchaga de Walker




Teresa of Jesus, Saint John of the Cross, mystic poetry, chilean literature


A new line of study of Rosa Cruchaga de Walker's poetry is proposed, focusing on the contemplative and mystic component, in accordance with the literary legacy of Discalced Carmelite, from the theology of Saint Teresa of Jesus to the poetry of Saint John of the Cross. The question of this study emerges from the analysis of some poems selected from the book of poems Ramas sin fondo (1967) corresponding to the Hispanic American post-avant-garde period. This book and her work as a whole highlights the use of symbolic objects and the desire of the poetic self to transcend its human condition. Through a daily and biblical symbology, the reader can appreciate the intimate spirituality of the author, which impregnates her verses and generates a unique «overworld» in the Chilean poetry of the XX century.

Author Biography

Mónica Miranda-Borrachero, Investigador Independiente.

Máster Formación para Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Educación, Universidad CEU San Pablo, España.
Máster literatura española e hispanoamericanaMáster literatura española e hispanoamericana, Universidad de Salamanca, España.


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How to Cite

Miranda-Borrachero, M. (2024). Contemplation, Mystics, and Carmelite Spirit in the poetry of Rosa Cruchaga de Walker. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 16, e6406.



Primae Inquisitiones