Bioethics and thanatology

how to educate to face death




end of life, rurality, life sciences, care of oneself, death process


Death as a fact that occurs in the life of the human being does not appear for some subjects as something natural. For rural communities, the sudden or expected loss of a loved one is an event, which many times, it is not known to face. For this reason, it is necessary to educate the members of these communities in life practices that allow them to cope with death as something natural, within a philosophy of self-care. This training must be framed within a bioethical perspective, as one of the knowledge that allows creating bridges between the social, spiritual and scientific dimensions, which have to do with death as another way of seeing thanatology.

Author Biography

Mario Vergara Amaya, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá.

Magister en Bioética en Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá Colombia y Candidato a Doctorado en Bioética, Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum de Roma Italia.


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How to Cite

Vergara Amaya, M. (2022). Bioethics and thanatology: how to educate to face death. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 14, e5514.


