Phylogenesis of the Catechism

New clues for an ancient debate




the history of education, the history of the Church, the history of catechisms, modernity


From a historical-cultural perspective, the emergence of the textual model known as catechism is introduced. A quick tour is made in time to determine the moment in which the noun 'catechism' started designating the artifact signifying it.  The analysis shows that such a textual model is a pedagogical invention of the XVI century, transforming the religious instruction of Christian worshippers as a whole and children, in particular. This may be largely due to the shift from an oral catechesis to one based on text, an element proper of the Renaissance episteme.

Author Biography

John Jairo Marin Tamayo, Laurentian University.

Associate Professor. Ecole des sciences de l'éducation. Docteur  en théologie, U. Laval.


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How to Cite

Marin Tamayo, J. J. (2024). Phylogenesis of the Catechism: New clues for an ancient debate. Cuadernos De teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (On Line), 16, e6231.


